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Blackhole is an Ethereum Liquid Staking protocol powered by Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) accessible via holding $BLK.
It expands on Ethereum's Proof of Stake, giving Operators and Stakers new capabilities:
BlkETH, a Liquid Staking Token that produces Ethereum Staking Rewards, is awarded to Liquid Stakers.
In order to complete staking obligations and obtain extra Operator Rewards, operators run a Distributed Validation node.
Participants in the Blackhole network receive staking incentives from Ethereum based on their contributions.
As a receipt token, BlkETH's balance is updated every day to reflect both the amount of deposited ETH and the rewards earned via Ethereum staking.
While some of these functionalities are present in other solutions, Blackhole is the first to fully integrate Distributed Validation with liquid staking, providing the most effective functionality for both Operators and Liquid Stakers.
Liquid Staking
🌱 No minimum ETH to stake.
👏 No requirement to run a node.
💧 Liquid Staking Tokens without lockups.
More Resilient Operations
🌳 Resilient: Nodes are fully disposable.
❤️🔥 Self-healing: Ability to regenerate lost keys.
💠 Redundancy: ~500x better uptime thanks to DVT fallbacks.
Incentives and Penalties
📈 Smooth Staking Rewards.
⛔️ Quick ejection of bad actors.
Trust-minimized Architecture
🪨 Trustless and permissionless.
🛡️ Collateral protection for Stakers.